The Archives preserves the documents (created from 1891 to 2000s) related to the legal predecessors of the University (Eastern Academy of Commerce, Faculty of Economics of the Hungarian Royal University, Faculty of Economics of Hungarian Royal József Nádor University of Technology and Economics, Hungarian/Marx Károly/Budapest/ University of Economics, Budapest University of Economic Sciences and Public Administration). The minutes of the council meetings (almost complete series up to 1944), moreover the documents concerned with Faculty of Economics of Ferenc József University of Kolzsvár (operated 1940-1944) belong to the most valuable records of the Archives. The series of the documents created on the students (dated from the 1950s to the democratic transformation of Hungary) possess a high importance. The Archives houses a photo collection containing 5000 items. The editorial issues of the journal called Közgaszdász [Economist] which are crucial sources of the history of the University with reference to the 1960s and the 1980s.

The most important guides and documents, as well as information on using the archives, are available on the archives’ pages. The most important downloadable material is the series of minutes of the University Council meetings 1892–1990, which are not available on the University website but on the Hungaricana Hungarian Cultural Heritage Portal.

The documents preserved in the Archives amounts 880 linear metres, classified into 65 fonds. Including the records housed in the Entz Ferenc Library and Archives (400 linear meters of documents), the Corvinus University Archives can be considered as the largest university archives of Hungary.

Corvinus University Archives

Address: 1093 Budapest, Fővám tér 8.
Telephone: +36 (1) 482 5182, +36 (1) 482 5465
Fax: +36 (1) 482 5465

Vilmos Zsidi – Director, Head Archivist