About the association


1139 Budapest, Teve u. 3–5.

Postal address:
1554 Budapest, Pf. 41.


Zsidi Vilmos
Director of Archives, archivist
Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Levéltára
1093 Bp., Fővám tér 8.

T/F: +36 (1) 482-5465
Mobile: +36 (70) 280-676

Public data of the association

Official name and abbreviation:
Magyar Levéltárosok Egyesülete (MLE)

Official name in English:
Association of Hungarian Archivists

Official name in German:
Verein der Ungarischen Archivare

1139 Budapest, Teve street. 3–5.

Postal address:
1554 Budapest, Pf. 41.

Bank account number:
11705008-20106720-00000000 (OTP)

Tax number:

Court record:
Pk. 61.412 (1990.02.13.) Fővárosi Bíróság

Court registration number:

The association's objectives

  • Promotion of the social perception of Hungarian archival science; the collaboration of the staff members of different institutions generating and preserving documents of lasting value, in order to ensure the storage and social use of the archival material;
  • Raising the professional awareness of Hungarian archivists; supporting their commitment, promotion of their self-activity;
  • Promotion of the social, professional and material appreciation of the Hungarian archivists.

The functions of the association

  • It participates in the extensive promotion of archival science: it delivers its opinion on issues related to archival science, acting on its own initiative or upon request by governmental or social organizations;
  • It regularly provides information to the members about the activities of the association both orally and in writing;
  • It promotes the exchange of professional and other information related to the archives or archivists;
  • It makes proposals on awards based on work in the association, or delivers its opinion on such matters upon request by other organizations;
  • It maintains relations with domestic and foreign professional institutions, associations, archivist organizations and archivists of other countries;

           (extract from the Rules of the MLE)


Documents of the association

Rules of MLE

Application form

Privacy statement

Order of Business of the Board of MLE

MLE Election rules

Public Benefit reports

Public Benefit report 2010

Public Benefit report 2011

Public Benefit report 2012

Public Benefit report 2013

Public Benefit report 2014

Public Benefit report 2015

Public Benefit report 2016

Public Benefit report 2017

Public Benefit report 2018

Public Benefit report 2019

Public Benefit report 2020

Board members


  • Kenyeres István president (Budapest Főváros Levéltára)
  • Hermann István vice-president (MNL Veszprém Megyei Levéltára)
  • Tilcsik György vice-president

Board members:

  • Cseh Gergő Bendegúz (Állambiztonsági Szolgálatok Történeti Levéltára)
  • Zsidi Vilmos (Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem Levéltára)
  • Haraszti Viktor (Budapest Főváros Levéltára)
  • Ólmosi Zoltán (MNL Országos Levéltára)
  • Szögi László (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem)
  • Tyekvicska Árpád (Ferenczy Múzeumi Centrum)
  • Káli Csaba (MNL Zala Megyei Levéltára)
  • Sipos András (Budapest Főváros Levéltára)
  • Polgár Tamás (MNL Somogy Megyei Levéltára)
  • Reisz T. Csaba (MNL Országos Levéltára)
  • Koltai András (Piarista Rend Magyar Tartománya Központi Könyvtár és Levéltár)
  • Kovács Eleonóra (MNL Országos Levéltára)

Financial Audit Committee

  • Hetényi Tiborné (Budapest Főváros Levéltára)
  • Csukonyi Lászlóné (MNL Csongrád Megyei Levéltára)
  • Márkusné Vörös Hajnalka (MNL Veszprém Megyei Levéltára)

General assemblies

Two general assemblies were held in 2016:

MLE 1/2016 (05.18.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the financial statements and the public benefit report of the MLE for year 2015.

MLE 2/2016. (05. 18.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the MLE election regulations.

MLE 1/2017. (05. 11.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the financial statements and the public benefit report of the MLE for year 2016.

MLE 2/2017. (05. 11.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly approves that the Association’s membership fee from 1 January 2018 is 4000 HUF/person/year, of which a 50% discount is granted to full-time students with a student card, pensioners, and those on GYES, GYED. Their membership fee is therefore 2000 HUF/person/year.

MLE 1/2018. (05.18.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the financial statements and the public benefit report of the MLE for year 2017.

MLE 2/2018. (05.18.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly approves the amendment of the Statutes of the association as proposed.

MLE 1/2019. (05.28.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the financial statements and the public benefit report of the MLE for year 2018.

MLE 2/2019. (05.28.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly approves the amendment of the Statutes of the association as proposed.

MLE 3/2019. (05.28.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the work plan and the financial plan of the MLE for 2019 as proposed.

MLE 4/2019. (05.28.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the rate of the membership fee for bodies (institutions) as proposed.

MLE 1/2020. (07.24.) resolution of the general assembly:

The general assembly adopts the financial statements and the public benefit report of the MLE for year 2019.

MLE 2/2020. (07.24.) resolution of the general assembly:  

The general assembly approves the amendment of the Statutes of the association as proposed.

The operation of the Association of Hungarian Archivists is supported by the Prime Minister’s Office, Human Capacities Grant Management Office, National Cooperation Fund.